Alright, since the last post was short on words, I'll do two today. I set up our home gym in the garage this afternoon. I built the power rack yesterday (see the tall cage in the pictures) and moved all the other stuff up from the basement today. The reason we wanted the gym in the garage is so we could have room to do overhead lifts. Katie and I are really into this crossfit thing, and they post a workout of the day (WOD) that we follow pretty religiously. Check out the link to at the bottom of the page, its a great resource and all free. Many of the workouts have lifts that require us to lift heavy things above our heads, lots Olympic lifts. As a result of our crazy desire to do insane workouts, we needed overhead space, so I moved all the heavy, heavy, heavy equipment upstairs. My back hurts. Also, my truck doesn't fit in the garage anyway, so we might as well put the space to work.
Anyway, that is the background on the garage-gym. We haven't used it yet, except for a few pull-ups, but are very excited to try it out. To combat the cold (it's already here) we put a small space heater in the garage and will use it on the frostiest of days, however, once we get moving in there things will heat up quickly. Pics follow:
The next picture is of kettlebells. They are used in many crossfit workouts. I posted them so that I could show you exactly what Katie tried to put through our floor the other day. She was walking in with one of the kettlebells and as soon as she got in the front door she dropped it. Luckily the 35 lb weight did not go through the floor or dent it even.
On a related note, here is the hole Katie put in our stairwell to the basement. She decided it was a good idea to kick a 20 lb medicine ball down the stairs. When it got to the bottom it kept going:
I am not sure if Katie realizes who has to fix I'm just kidding, I thought it was the funniest thing in the world, I just like giving her a hard time about it.
Okay, finally our new TV. I realize that images of things that display images is about as interesting as Alan Greenspan, so here is the only picture. It is a really nice 46" Samsung TV.
Thats it, whew this was a long one.